CITY WIDE CLEAN UP: BUNKER HILL CITY WIDE CLEAN UP AND ELECTRONIC RECYCLING DAYS 123 WEST ALTON STREET – CITY SHED Friday, May 9 – 8am-5pm and Saturday, May 10 – 8am-12pm Bring your unwanted items (NO tires or hazardous materials) Electronic recycling available Think It List  Any questions contact City Hall at 618-585-4632.   TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR CITY – LET’S CLEAN UP TOGETHER!


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It has come to our attention that a mailing has been sent out claiming to be from the Bunker Hill Police Department, soliciting donations. 

Please be aware that this is NOT from the Bunker Hill Police Department and is a scam. The Bunker Hill Police Department does not solicit donations through the mail.

If you have any questions or need to verify information, please contact City Hall at 618-585-4632.